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Virtual Circuit Board Steam Digital Code Global

Virtual Circuit Board Steam Digital Code Global

Note: This is the initial version of the original product, not a gift or an expansion pack, and supports 64-bit Windows 10 and SteamOS.
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$ 14.99$14.99

Product Description

Virtual Circuit Board, or VCB, is a minimalist sandbox drawing-based logic simulator featuring an assembler and a powerful simulation algorithm. All of it designed to allow you to be free to build and experiment with logic circuits to your heart’s content.

Powerful Simulation
High-performant deterministic simulation with adjustable speed and the ability to pause and advance by steps. Simulate with a frequency of up to millions of updates per second.

Assembly editor where you can define your own instructions to create a program that will be assembled to a Virtual Memory that can be accessed by the circuit.

Editing and Simulating
Working in VCB is divided in two modes, while editing you can use the drawing tools to modify your circuit, and the assembly editor to write any programs, and during simulation you can see your circuit running and visualize the instructions being executed in the assembler.

Drawing-based Interface
Build circuits by drawing color-coded entities like logic gates and traces, and use the specialized tools such as the Array to optimize your workflow by drawing multiple traces simultaneously. Both the electronic components and the traces support multiple input and output connections.

Customize the appearance of circuits by drawing in the Paint Layers that override the component's default colors. This allows you to create things such as buttons and labels that change appearance depending on the component's state.