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Paladin's Oath Steam Digital Code Global

Paladin's Oath Steam Digital Code Global

Note: This is the initial release of the original product, not a bonus or expansion pack, for Windows 7, macOS and SteamOS.
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$ 14.99$14.99

Product Description

You are a Paladin that took an Oath to liberate the land and its Cities from enemies coming from another plane of existence.

The core mechanics are based on board game systems like Mage Knight and Gloomhaven with music reminiscing of Warcraft 2.

It combines elements of RPG and light deck-building where Cards / Mana / Recruitable Followers and always-on Blessings must be synergized to Move, Interact and Battle with unlimited undo mechanics during battles to find the best possible outcome.

- Card-based everything: movement, interaction, battles. Akin to a resource management game with puzzle mechanics.
- Slow paced: take your time, plan your turn, manage your cards and resources wisely.
- Heavy focus on Strategy: maximize your current hand and synergize all your resources to make the seemingly impossible, possible.
- Deep, intricate gameplay with sessions typically lasting 3 to 5 hours depending on the scenario.
- Turn-based battles with unlimited undo/redo possibilities to allow you to explore and find the best outcome - should you take wounds and clog your hands for the next 3 turns or should you use all those cards and come out unscathed but unable to move on the next turn.
- An ever-changing experience with randomized maps, decks and varied character combinations let you experience a different kind of puzzle each time you play.

Similar to the thinky board game systems Paladin's Oath is inspired by, you are expected to rack your brain when playing this game if you want to succeed; although the experience is not stressful with no real-time pressure and unlimited undo/redo during battles (the most complex part of this game) allowing you to change your card configuration for better outcome as much as you want.

The game already ships with multiple scenarios each offering a unique type of challenge. The suite of Characters + Oath combinations also enables you to fine-tune the experience and provides varied playstyles: move more, recruit more, ability to use stronger cards more often, etc.