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Loop Odyssey Steam Digital Code Global

Loop Odyssey Steam Digital Code Global

Note: This is the initial version of the original product, not a gift pack or expansion pack, suitable for 64-bit Windows 7/8.1/10.
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$ 7.99$7.99

Product Description

Plan your loops: Plan your actions ahead of time, choose which path to take, who to fight, what loot to take and start the loop. Craft up your different lists of actions and test them to compare their efficiency. Save them, load them and refine them over time.

Optimize your idling: Time is your main currency. Optimize your different paths as you gain experience to go faster and get the most of your idling time. As you repeat the same action it's cost get cheaper, so be sure to check if a quicker route has become available.

Explore the world: This game is all about atmosphere. Explore this dark fantasy world and get immersed in the lore and mystery that comes with it.

Meet characters: Find and meet the 10 different characters that will help you understand the world. Talk to them, learn from them or kill them and loot their corpses. It's all good, you're stuck in a time loop anyway.

Escape the loop: Redeem the curse and find out the different endings.