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Grindstone Steam Digital Code Global

Grindstone Steam Digital Code Global

Note: This is the initial version of the original product, not a gift package or an extension package, and supports 64-bit Windows 7.
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$ 19.99$19.99

Product Description

A Puzzle Game where Epic Adventures are your 9-to-5.
Grindstone Mountain is overrun with vicious Creeps! Part color-matching, part monster-slaying ridiculousness, in Grindstone it’s your job to mine grindstones from the Creeps that lurk on the mountain. Slay your way up the treacherous peak by completing over 250 levels of intricate puzzles and hazards, besting bosses and exploring a variety of weird and wonderful locations along the way.

More Ways to Slay!
As your tackle the challenges of Grindstone Mountain, you'll also discover long-lost blueprints to craft powerful new gear, unlock a challenging boss-rush mode, try your luck at the wheel of fortune in a creepy carnival, and have the chance to prove your prowess on the leaderboards of three daily modes.

Award-Winning Original Soundtrack
Your musical maestro throughout Grindstone is Sam Webster, composer of the game's widely-acclaimed original soundtrack.

From Your Pals at CAPY!
Grindstone is a game of sword-slashing puzzle battles from the award-winning creators of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP, Super Time Force Ultra, BELOW, Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes and Critter Crunch!